Tuesday, 29 June 2021

What are you, some kind of Gravity Denier? (A Story)


It is a story. I understand story fairly well, though it took me a while to understand what kind of story it was. It is a victim narrative; we have a victim, a victimiser and a hero, and the story goes like this:

I am Gaia, the victim; I have no power and no agency and I am being attacked by evil Civilization and too many people.

White Knight duly steps forward and responds: Don't worry Gaia, I will save you.

White Knight feels fully justified in attacking civilization, because in his own mind he is the hero defending helpless Gaia. Who wouldn't want to save the world - what a hero.

But how will he destroy civilization and save Gaia? Well, he can't destroy Civilization all on his own so he needs a plan to con people into destroying the very civilization that keeps them alive, healthy, and improves quality of life everywhere it exists. He looks around for a narrative that will serve and is conveniently offered a script as follows.

Civilization produces C02 as a byproduct and that's bad. Well, so do lots of other things, but that's not important, that's good natural C02 not bad Man Made C02 - nor is it important that it's plant food and makes healthy robust plants that produce oxygen that we breath in and breath out 23,000ppm of C02 with every breath. The number of things that are deemed by White Knight to be unimportant about C02 is legion;

Warm the surface of the oceans and they out-gas C02, so increased Atmospheric C02 is a consequence of warmed ocean surfaces (an obvious lie paints that back to front but few notice). This is chemistry and puts the lie to the C02 causes warming narrative, but he doesn't care about that.

In the geological record the peak C02 was 7000ppm, the minimum was 180ppm, at 150ppm most plants die, dropping oxygen levels so that animals also die, including us, but he doesn't care about that.

Some people bought the con and began to reduce C02 emissions, reduce the reliability of electricity and dismantle civilization that supports them.

All the things that had been done were negated by a volcanic eruption in Iceland, but he doesn't care about that. Bringing down civilization is the point.

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? Maurice Strong

When anyone one points out any of this, White Knight feels fully justified and branding them as bad people, giving them the label of Climate Change Denier, getting them sacked from their work (especially in the msm), silencing them on social media, calling for them to be tattooed (Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies. - Richard Glover), and having a hose pipe run from the exhaust of their care and rammed down their throat so they are gassed (Arnold Schwarzenegger, I would link to the vid' but can't find it now and time is limited). 

Sound familiar? Tattooed them. Gas them. Yeah, thought you'd spot it. The White Knight self-justifies anything to be the hero and rescue helpless victim Gaia.  

So we have Victim/Gaia, Villain/Us and Civilization. 'Hero'/White Knight. A classic, manipulative victim narrative.

But, hang on a moment. The Earth can't talk. Its a bunch of geology and chemistry and minerals and thermal activity. It can't care about anything. Here for billions of years, it will be here for billions more. It would be indifferent to Civilization if it were capable of having any opinion at all. It was once hit by an object so large that it turned the whole thing molten hot rock and threw of a great chunk that became the moon. It didn't care, because it is an it, not a she. It has nothing to care with.

Gaia is a ventriloquists dummy. So who's the ventriloquist, Toto?

Toto the dog duly pulls back the curtain and we see The Wizard of Oz.

The WOO isn't great and powerful, but a weak, stupid little man who has figured out a way to trick people into giving him power he hasn't earned and doesn't deserve.

Biology is a science. Chemistry is a science. Physics is a science, and lots of other subjects are science. But Climate isn't a science, as little of the theory is subject to meaningful experiment and where it is the results are fudged, the failed predictions ignored, obscured and lied about by the WOO pushing his story. It's a made up pseudo-science. The idea came out of the humanities department of universities; that is matter of historical record. It is Junk science, Scientism, a cult dressed up as science. They literally cannot push their beliefs without lying, as has been proven many many times and openly planned among themselves. They are proven liars.

Now who do we now who push a philosophy, want unearned power and will happily lie to get it?

Tony Blair, the same who lied about weapons of mass destruction and took the UK into an illegal and unjustifiable war, recently said “We have people embedded in every Government on the planet.”

Embedded? Like covert operatives? Who's we?

Someone else said, “We are in a global conflict between those who want to control people and those who want to control only themselves.” Two sides of a conflict. Real. Everywhere. Now.

I probably don't need to lead anyone to the conclusion of what the WOOs are. The evidence is everywhere. The Conservative Government of my own country are acting like dictators and have torn up and thrown away the freedoms our ancestors fought for over centuries, being Magna Carta, The Rights of Englishmen, freedom of association, freedom to travel, the right to trial by your peers – a £10,000 and 10 Years (that figure will ring a bell with some – A Tenner), all while the inglorious leaders act as expected, as they had no intention whatsoever of doing what they make you do. The point is to make you do things. Power is only manifest when it is power over people. The stupider and more pointless the things they make you do the better, so they nudge each other and can point and laugh and say, “Look, look what I made them do! That's hilarious,” and the message to the people is clear, “Look what we can do to you any time we damn well please.”

Anything that disrupts society is good for them. Economic damage is beneficial to them. But the best trick ever was and is to trick and con you into dismantling the infrastructure of the civilization that keeps you alive.

It's a story. A victim narrative. But the truth is that the victim is you, the victimiser is the WOO, and the heroes are the ones branded climate change deniers.

Anyone who calls you a gravity denier is using obvious rhetoric. Use good rhetoric back, because these people can't use logic, you have to talk their emotion based language.

What are you, some kind of Gravity Denier? (A Story)

I saw the man walking around town with a parachute on his back. I asked him why.

“What are you, some kind of Gravity Denier?!” He snapped, aggressively.

“Well, no. But that's not relevant is it? The strong electromagnetic force makes thing solid, and gravity is a factor.” He looked triumphant. “But the most relevant factor is altitude. And you are walking on the the ground, dude.”

His mouth worked a bit but no sound came out. (Cognitive dissonance is a wonderful thing to see). He didn't say a word, just walked away looking puzzled.

Next time I saw he him he wasn't wearing a parachute. So that's something.