Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Progress Report

For now I will keep this brief, and it will sound like I am talking about the dreaded and fictitious writers block.

Fictitious? Really?

Yes, pretty much. What happens is that the story, regardless of length, doesn´t have the right ingredients and/or they are not cooked yet. And this is roughly what has been happening to me over the last year, as variously reported. Write writer write write, oh no, highlight delete back to where it was okay. Why the oh no? Because you get bogged down, stuck, no one says or does anything naturally and I cast around for something to happen... but if the ingredients are right and the story is cooked then there is never any doubt about what happens next. The story becomes like skiing a slalom... you know where all the flags are even if you can´t see them all and it is just a matter of skiing like crazy until the story is finished.

Well, I´m now skiing like crazy. All The King´s Bastards is rocking along and I am loving it. I hope you do too. Soon.

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